Sevas Rug

Reference Number: 13760
Size: 7 ft 2 in x 5 ft 0 in
Origin: Central Anatolia
Woven: First Qtr 20th Century


Description: The patterns found in Sevas rugs and carpets are often inspired by examples from other weaving centers. This example copies a classic Mughal carpet, circa 1600, currently in the collection of The Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna. Aptly titled “carpet with bird couples in a landscape”, it depicts a variety of bird species in a botanically lush and naturalistic setting. The scene has direct parallels in manuscript illustration. Detailed depictions of plants and animals appear widely in Mughal art, reflecting the Mughal Emperor’s interest in the natural world. The early Mughals employed Persian artisans, and for this reason early Mughal carpets utilize largely Persian designs. Eventually, a uniquely Mughal visual repertoire emerged in the court carpets, as well as in miniature painting and other arts.